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Laser Hair Removal in Forest Hills, NY

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal offers a high-tech solution for reducing unwanted hair on various body parts. This non-invasive procedure uses concentrated light beams to target and destroy hair follicles, thus impeding future hair growth. Suitable for treating areas such as the face, legs, arms, underarms, and bikini line, Laser Hair Removal is versatile and effective. It is ideal for individuals seeking a longer-lasting hair removal method than shaving or waxing. Almost any skin type can benefit from the treatment, though effectiveness can vary based on hair and skin color. Results can be observed after several sessions, with the total number of required treatments varying by individual.

Experience the convenience and efficacy of Laser Hair Removal at Skincare Sommelier Beauty Lab & Med Spa in Forest Hills, NY. Our expert team ensures a comfortable and professional experience, with results that last for months. To maintain these results, periodic maintenance treatments may be necessary. Take the first step towards smoother skin today – book your appointment and discover the difference.


Reduces unwanted hair effectively

Provides long-lasting results

Minimizes the need for shaving or waxing

Quick treatment sessions

Precise targeting of specific hair areas

Widely suitable for a variety of body parts

Safe for most skin types

Minimal discomfort during the procedure

Reduces ingrown hairs

Can lead to smoother, softer skin


Ideal candidates are those with contrasting hair and skin colors, though advancements in technology have made the treatment effective for a broader range of skin and hair types.

Results vary, but most clients begin to see a reduction in hair growth after a few treatment sessions.

Results can be long-lasting, but periodic maintenance treatments may be required to maintain the reduction in hair growth.

There is typically no downtime. Some clients may experience minor redness or discomfort post-treatment, which usually subsides quickly.

Before treatment, avoid sun exposure and refrain from plucking or waxing. Post-treatment, protect the area from the sun according to the practitioner’s instructions.

There will be a mild sensation of discomfort in the course of the treatment, similar to a rubber band snapping against your skin. The duration varies depending on the treated area.

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