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PRP Hair Regeneration in Forest Hills, NY

PRP Hair Regeneration

PRP Hair Regeneration is a cutting-edge treatment designed to combat hair loss using the body’s natural healing process. An injection of Platelet-Rich Plasma, or PRP, is performed by drawing a small sample of blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and injecting it into the scalp. Growth factors released by these platelets stimulate hair follicles, promoting new hair growth and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft. This non-surgical procedure is ideal for individuals experiencing thinning hair, hair loss, or who wish to improve the overall health and density of their hair. PRP Hair Regeneration can treat various areas of the scalp, offering hope to those looking for a natural approach to hair restoration.

Results from PRP Hair Regeneration can typically be seen within a few months after treatment, with improvements continuing over time. The effects are known to last for up to a year or longer, depending on individual response and adherence to follow-up treatments. For those seeking to revitalize their hair’s appearance in Forest Hills, NY, Skincare Sommelier Beauty Lab & Med Spa offers this innovative service. Schedule your appointment today to explore how PRP Hair Regeneration can enhance your hair’s natural beauty and confidence.

Benefits of PRP Hair Regeneration

Stimulates natural hair growth

Increases hair thickness

Reduces hair loss

Enhances scalp health

Non-surgical and minimally invasive

Uses the body’s own healing mechanisms

Short recovery time

Safe with minimal risk of side effects

Suitable for both men and women

Long-lasting results


Good candidates for PRP Hair Regeneration are individuals experiencing hair thinning, hair loss, or those seeking to improve hair density and health.

Most patients begin to see results from PRP Hair Regeneration within three to six months after their treatment, with improvements continuing over time.

The results of PRP Hair Regeneration can last up to a year or more, varying by individual. Periodic follow-up treatments are recommended to maintain results.

PRP Hair Regeneration has minimal downtime, and patients can typically resume normal activities immediately. Side effects are rare but may include mild pain at the injection site, scalp tenderness, or swelling.

Before undergoing PRP Hair Regeneration, avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications and consult with your provider for specific pre-treatment instructions. Post-treatment, follow your provider’s guidelines, which may include avoiding harsh chemical hair treatments for a short period.

During PRP Hair Regeneration, a small blood sample is taken from your arm and prepared to concentrate the platelets. The plasma is then injected into targeted areas of the scalp. The procedure is fast and involves minimal discomfort.

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