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Mesotherapy and Biorevitalization Injections in Forest Hills, NY

Mesotherapy injections and Biorevitalization injections

Mesotherapy injections and Biorevitalization injections are highly effective cosmetic treatments designed to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin from within.

Mesotherapy involves injecting a customized cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the mesodermal layer of the skin, targeting concerns such as wrinkles, fine lines, and uneven skin tone. This procedure promotes collagen production, leading to firmer, more youthful-looking skin. This treatment is often combined with other cosmetic treatments, such as microneedling to achieve optimal results.

Biorevitalization injections focus on delivering hyaluronic acid into the skin, a substance naturally found in the body that maintains moisture, improves elasticity and supports healthy skin structure. Both treatments are minimally invasive, with little to no downtime, making them suitable for individuals looking to enhance their skin’s appearance effectively and safely.

At Skincare Sommelier Beauty Lab & Med Spa in Forest Hills, NY, we specialize in these advanced cosmetic procedures, offering personalized treatment plans to meet your unique skin care needs. Whether you’re looking to diminish the signs of aging, improve skin hydration, or achieve a more radiant complexion, our expert team is here to help. Results from these treatments can be seen shortly after the procedure, with improvements continuing to develop over time. Result longevity varies, but with proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy a refreshed and revitalized appearance for months. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and discover the benefits of Mesotherapy and Biorevitalization injections for yourself.

Mesotherapy injections and Biorevitalization injections

Lessens visibility of fine lines and wrinkles

Improves skin hydration and elasticity

Stimulates collagen production

Enhances skin tone and texture

Promotes a radiant, youthful glow

Suitable for various skin types

Minimal downtime required

Can be customized to address individual skin concerns

Offers long-lasting results

Non-surgical alternative to more invasive procedures


Anyone looking to improve their skin’s appearance, texture, and overall health may benefit from Mesotherapy and Biorevitalization Injections. Ideal candidates are those seeking non-surgical options for skin rejuvenation.

Results can vary, but most patients start noticing a difference in the texture and appearance of their skin within a few days to weeks after their treatment.

It is possible for results to last for several months or more depending on the individual’s skin type, lifestyle, and maintenance care. Typically, results from Mesotherapy and Biorevitalization Injections can last several months.

Both treatments have minimal downtime. Clients may experience temporary redness, swelling, or bruising, which typically resolves within a few days.

Before treatment, avoid taking blood-thinning medications and supplements. Afterward, follow your provider’s care instructions, which may include avoiding direct sunlight and applying specific skincare products.

During both Mesotherapy and Biorevitalization Injections, you’ll receive multiple small injections in the targeted area. The process is quick, with minimal discomfort, and your daily activities can resume shortly.

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